- Project name: MIDAS
- Website: www.midas-bioeconomy.eu
- Interest areas: Hemp
- Start date: 1.10.2021
- Project status: Active
MIDAS is a Horizon Europe Innovation Action, an innovation action co-funded by the European Union’s Horizon Europe Research and Innovation Programme. It aims to develop and demonstrate innovative solutions for growing industrial crops on marginal farmland and to create sustainable value chains for a wide range of bio-based products.
The project started in November 2022 and runs until October 2026. Its main focus is to optimise selected industrial crops and their production systems, both through breeding and agronomic practices, to be able to tolerate water scarcity and help prevent desertification, and to improve biodiversity conservation in Mediterranean and Central European marginal areas. At the same time, it seeks to improve the performance and resource efficiency of specific biotechnology-based value chains in order to promote the sustainable use of non-edible industrial biomass in biorefineries.
The project partners are 24 organisations from 13 European countries. For the Czech Republic, the project is managed by CzecHemp in close cooperation with the Research Institute of Plant Production in Chomutov. The total budget is planned for almost 8 million Euro.